i was liveing with stef, my second wife to be. we decided we wanted to have kids.
we decided we would have to be married so our kids would have our name.
problem was , tho seperated for a year or so , i was still married to my first wife , funny. who lived in edmonton about 500 miles away
i didnt want to give funny the news on the phone so i drove to edmonton to ask her for a divorse, i knew she would be ok with it, but just wanted to get it done in person
as i thought she had no problem with it, and said her livei in bf would gladly testifie in court that she had commited adultry. in those days the easy way to get a divorce was to sue the other party for adultery and have them agree in court. it was even funnys idea that i sued her, rather than her sueing me, cuz she thought it was good that i was planning to have kids and she didnt want a record of me being an adulter.
anyway, we got it all decided and agreed to have a part at eds , her bf, apartment that night, it was christmas eve.
i went to the apartment and met ed , the bf, there were lots of people there, mostly relations, my inlaws, whom i always got along with quite well. of course everybody was drinking and soon most were haveing a real good time
i was sitting on the liveing room floor with ed, we had a texas micky of canadian clud on the floor between us, as we were takeing swigs out of it, so we were pretty dam drunk, but we got along just fine and it seemed like we were good friends.
the apartment door opened and eds brother( cant remember his name) came in the doorway and lifted a 38 pistol to level it at my head. ed( funnys brother) was sitting beside the door in a chair, he saw the gun come up and he reached over and pulled his arm down. by this time i saw them fighting over the gun, i went over and put my arms around the shooters waist so he could not lift the gun up. we were all stuggleing and he( if anybody can remember his name please tell me, well his last name was cockrun) lifted the gun as high as he could and fired twice. i saw a tile pop up off the floor from one shoot and the othe shot went thro both of my legs and cut my srotum( balls sack) wide open
i didnt relize i had been shot till i felt the blood running down my legs. next thing i remember, i was running down the hallway , banging on dors, hollering , call the cops i been shot in the balls. seems funny now, sure wasnt then
next thing i remember is the main doors to the apartment flew open and a whole crowd of cops came rushing in, guns drawn, seemed like they all picked me up and i went out the doors on figertips above the cops heads. i was taken to the hosbital and where they cut 6 inch holes in my legs to remove fragments of bullets, then sewed me back together balls and all, the scrotum had been cut open just like u would to casterate a pig or whatever, but the testicals were not touched
the next day i found out my brother inlaw ,mood, had taken my truck when he was drunk, pulled out into an intersection and a car had dimolished the front end of my pickup
day after that i left the hosbital without permission , got on a grayhound bus and headed back to stef, in vernon. hosbital staff tryed to make me stay but i just wanted out of that town, all that shit had happened on christmas eve
anyway i got back home, got divorced, got married and had 2 great kids. everything worked just fine
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