it was back when i was married to funny, we lied in an apartment in edmonton alberta, it was time to move.
i called my brother inlaw,cam hansen, to come over and give me a hand to move
there was a few loads of furniture to move to the new place (dont even remember where that was)
while moveing we had been drinking beers or whatever we had at the time. so when we got finished we were feeling pretty good and decided to go for a few beers at the bar. for some reason cam had to go home first so we agreed to meet at the bar in stony plain just out of edmonton. we were there a few hours so by this time we were really feeling good.
we decided we would go home and cotinue the party with our wives. somehow we got seperated on the way home. so i arrived there by myself
i went up to the apartment and when i tried to walk in my apartment was locked. i banged on the door and nobody answered.,for some reason i didnt have my key,, i could hear music so i was sure they were inside. i banged on the door several times, i yelled at them to open the door. by this time i was getting kind of mad ( remeber the beer :)). i yelled open this fucking door or i will kick it in. i figured they were hideing in there as a joke.
then the people came out of the apartment across the hall and were telling me that there was nobody in there.. i kind of ignored them, then yelled " ok,now quit fucking around and open this door or ill kick it in...
now i was pissed, up came my foot and kicked the door right by the doorknob, the door flew open, i saw the door jam going flying across the floor. i said "fuck, nobodys here" i walked threw the doorway and across the liveing room to the bathroom. i stood there and took a leak like nothing had happened. then i walked out of the bathroom and suddenly stopped, looked around, the whole place was empty, i had come back the the apartment we had just moved out of.. and broken in .
i hit the hallway running , down the stairs out to my truck and never looked back. for some reason we never did get a call or hear any more about it. guess they figured it was just some idiit kicked the door in when he was moveing, they sure had the idiot part right. the music was comeing from next door :)
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