Monday, December 13, 2010

#2 near death experience

i was working for morris on the farm, morris was given an old barn to tear down and salvage the lumber. it was a huge , hiproof dairy barn,.
the first thing was to get the roof down, we spent a few days forking starw out of a hole in the side of the barrn and takeing out walls and brases on the inside. then it looked like all that was holding the roof up was bases going up from the loft on both sides of the barn.
we started at one end of the barn knocking the braes out one by one, we worked on it all morning. then morris said lets go for lunch, then we will knock this down when we get back
i said, just let me knock this one board off before we go, ok he said, take that one out and we ll go
i swung the bar at a 2x6, bang it busted and the whole brase came down, i ran to the other end of the barn where morris was standing, i turned around , looked up, and saw the whole roof  caveing in from the other end.  we ran for the hole in the wall, morris was ahead of me, he went out feet first, banging his tailbone on the floor as he went out. i was running behind him, almost at the opening a timber slamed down in front of me, i dove over it and went out the hole head first. luckily, we havent yet moved the straw that we had forked out the door. we were laying in the straw pile, both of us had big eyes and had never been so scared in our lives,  i looked at morris and started laughing, he was just dumfounded , didnt know what to say.
after we sat for awhile and got our breath back we went home for lunch. of course we were all excited to tell verna ( morissis wife) all about the colaps.  she was mostly consernd that we could have ben hurt or killed and i just kept laughing. she got upset that i was laughing about it.   i also laughed when i burned the motor out of my ,like new, 52 chevy. i should have been devistated, i never could figure why i laughed about it

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