Age 12 or so.
Brother Tom, Dave Jackson and I were playing floor hockey in the gym of a local church. We weren't supposed to be in there but had gotten in after Dave had played a game with a team he was on . Dave was the athlete of the bunch. belonged to the school teams and little league and any sports he could get into. He was good at the pole vault and always had us trying to do it, but I usually failed miserably.
Anyway we were playing floor hockey and Dave was about to make a shot on the goal. HE had his stick way out to his right side, i ran up beside him on his left side. he swung for all he was worth, the stick coming all the way around and caught me on the bridge of the nose. I was just the right distance away to catch the full force of the end of the stick.
i when down on the floor, i was stunned, got to my knees, my hands on my face, i pulled my hands away from my face and saw blood everywhere. somebody came with a t shirt and in seconds it was soaked with blood. i hollerd bloody murder and Tom and Dave took me to the bathroom and somehow the blood slowed down a little. by the time i got home how i was covered in blood and mom had a fit when she saw me. i was hurting like hell but i still enjoyed all that attention.
Mom took me to the hospital next day and doctor stuffed my nose full of bandage. i guess that how they keep the broken peaces in line till it heals.
The worst part of the whole ordeal was when i went back to the doc, and he pulled all of that bandage material out of my nose. doc kept pulling it out of my nose, at the time it seemed there was a mile of gauze in there.
The gauze did the job and my nose healed up pretty much the way it was supposed to. i can still feel a small bump on the bridge of my nose were it was broken but its not really visible
That was the only bone in my body i have ever broken. I never did get a cast on my arm :( like i always wanted :)
Well, i think i did get some bones broken in my foot or feet from horses stepping on them, but never did go to doc about it, so if they were broken they healed up with no help from doc.
trust me you don't want a broken arm :( Love you