Tuesday, November 30, 2010


this is my little girl (daughter)  i held her in the palm of my hand when she was born, she weighed 3 lbs
she thinks it silly to have a blog cuz its too much work,,, o well, i  love her anyway :)
she lives far away in canada, she is mostly busy teaching grade 10,   dam i just barely got to grade 8
she must have gotten some of her moms smarts
i got shot over this little girl before she was ever born, or even conceved :)
her mother and i had decided we wanted to have a baby, but we were not married and before we could get married i had to get divorced from my first wife..
in the process of getting divorced , my wifes boyfriends brother , the brother of my wifes boyfriend, mistakenly thought i was trying to get my wife to come back to me. he didnt want to see his brother get his heartt broken so he decided he would eliminate the problem by killing me, wow that sounds pretty serious
well , yes it was serious, he intended to shoot me in the head ut ended up missing and shot me thro both legs and the srotum.
he was charged with attemted murder and ended up in jail, and recovered  quite well and went on to get married and have my little girl just as planned :)
i love her dearly and enjoy the times we have together when she comes to vist me at our farm in texas


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